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Case Files

Johnny Mayall  user  July 13, 2022, 12:27 p.m.


While the end-clinician report is the primary file for each case, WorkPath also provides support for additional supplemental case files. All cases (regardless of casetype) allow for zero-to-many separate case files, with each file itself possessing multiple data elements. These optional user-uploadable files were designed to provide supplemental information about the case as needed and are typically uploaded by accessioners with the intention of making them available to other internal users; in certain situations, files are uploaded with the intention of making them available to external users through the portal. Some common file examples include scans of patient insurance cards, spreadsheets with patient-related information, scans of prior medical history, text or word processor documents with notes, requisitions, scans of patient admissions/attestations/releases, microscopy images, physician referrals, and external test results from a referral lab. Like other supplemental data elements (e.g., internal case notes, case properties, queues), these files can be added/deleted regardless of case status. Internal users can upload new files or delete existing files as needed. The user that uploads the file controls the file name, the text description of the file, and whether or not the file is shared on the portal. There’s no realistic limit on the number of case files that can be uploaded for any individual case, and each one has a unique set of values (many of them input by the user).


To view any case file (as an internal user via the case information page):

  1. Click on the Work Flow tab.
  2. Navigate to the information page for the desired case.
  3. Scroll down to the Files section.
  4. Click the link in the File column for the desired file.

To view a shared case file (as an external user via the portal):

  1. Click on the Reports tab.
  2. Click on the Case Status report. (Case files are not available via the Results report; 95% of the time an external user cannot find a shared case file, they are viewing the wrong report.)
  3. Enter desired report criteria and click the Search button.
  4. If a case has any shared files/notes:
    • Click the green '+' icon to the right of the accession ID for the desired case. (This will reveal all shared files/notes and change the icon to a red 'x'; clicking the changed icon will hide the shared files/notes, and the icon will revert back its original state.)
    • Click the link in the Case Files column for the desired file.

To upload a case file:

  1. Click on the Work Flow tab.
  2. Navigate to the information page for the desired case.
  3. Scroll down to the Files section.
  4. Click the Add/Manage Files button on the right side of the screen.
  5. Enter the File Information:
    1. File: Click the Choose File button and select the file.
    2. Description: Enter the value as appropriate for the file.
    3. Share On Portal: Check the box to allow external users to view this file.
  6. Click the Save button.

To delete a case file:

  1. Click on the Work Flow tab.
  2. Navigate to the information page for the desired case.
  3. Scroll down to the Files section.
  4. Click the Delete icon in the Action column for the desired file.
  5. If you are sure that you want to delete the file, click the Yes button.


  • Uploaded files cannot be edited: if circumstances necessitate a change, the process is to delete the deprecated file and perform a new upload with the corrected file and appropriate data elements.
  • Case files can also be created by certain system actions, such as HL7 files auto-generated by various interfaces or by a customer choosing to activate a process that creates an on-demand preliminary report.
  • Initially, case files were explicitly only accessible to internal users; later, the ‘Share On Portal’ functionality was added to allow specially-designated files to be made available to external users.

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